Parosphromenus (Licorice Gourami)


Parosphromenus, it's a genus of small freshwater fish known as Licorice Gouramis. Here's some information:

1. **Habitat:** Parosphromenus species are found in slow-moving blackwater environments, often in peat swamps and forested areas of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

2. **Size:** They are relatively small, with most species reaching around 1 to 2 inches in length.

3. **Coloration:** Licorice Gouramis are known for their vibrant and intricate color patterns, with males displaying more vivid colors during the breeding season.

4. **Behavior:** These fish are labyrinth fish, meaning they have a labyrinth organ allowing them to breathe air at the water's surface. They are generally peaceful but can be territorial during breeding.

5. **Diet:** Parosphromenus species are primarily micro-predators, feeding on small invertebrates and aquatic insects. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality flakes, live or frozen foods like daphnia or brine shrimp.

6. **Tank Setup:** Create a well-planted aquarium mimicking their natural habitat. Use soft, acidic water, and provide hiding spots among plants or driftwood. Keep the water temperature between 77-82°F (25-28°C).

7. **Breeding:** Breeding conditions involve soft, acidic water and the availability of suitable spawning sites. The males build bubble nests, and after spawning, the male guards the eggs and fry.

Remember, the specific care requirements might vary based on the exact Parosphromenus species you're interested in, so it's advisable to research the particular type you plan to keep.

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