Electric Blue Acara

Electric Blue Acara

From $10.00

The Electric Blue Acara, also known as Andinoacara pulcher, is a striking and highly sought-after freshwater fish species in the cichlid family. It is native to South America, specifically the basins of the Essequibo and Oyapock rivers. The Electric Blue Acara is admired for its intense blue coloration, peaceful temperament, and interesting behavior, making it a popular choice for aquarists looking to add a splash of color to their tanks.

Here are some key features and care considerations for the Electric Blue Acara:

1. Appearance: As the name suggests, Electric Blue Acaras have a stunning electric blue color covering their body and fins, which is their most defining feature. They also have a relatively elongated and laterally compressed body shape typical of cichlids.

2. Tank Setup: Provide a well-decorated aquarium with rocks, driftwood, and live plants to create hiding spots and territories. Electric Blue Acaras prefer a sandy substrate, as they like to sift through the sand searching for food.

3. Water Conditions: These cichlids thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. The water temperature should be maintained between 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C). Good water quality is crucial for their health and well-being.

4. Diet: Electric Blue Acaras are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. Offer them high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small insects. Providing some vegetable matter occasionally is also beneficial.

5. Compatibility: Electric Blue Acaras are generally peaceful but can become territorial during breeding or when establishing their territory. They can be kept in a community aquarium with other peaceful fish, but it's essential to avoid keeping them with aggressive or fin-nipping species.

6. Breeding: Breeding Electric Blue Acaras can be achieved in an aquarium setup. They are cave spawners and will lay their eggs on flat rocks or in crevices. Both parents will care for the eggs and fry once they hatch.

7. Tank Mates: When choosing tankmates, opt for other peaceful community fish that won't harass or stress the Electric Blue Acaras. Avoid larger or aggressive species that might intimidate them.

8. Sensitivity: Like many cichlids, Electric Blue Acaras can be sensitive to water quality and fluctuations in parameters. Regular water changes and efficient filtration are vital for their well-being.

Overall, the Electric Blue Acara is a captivating and colorful fish that can be a stunning addition to community aquariums. With proper care and attention to their specific needs, they can thrive and become a highlight in your aquatic setup.

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