New Friends We Want to Add

New Friends We Want to Add

Fish we currently have and working on breeding.

  • Parosphromenus (Licorice Gourami) 
  • Elizabethae Sao Gabriel F1 Apistogramma  
  • Julies African Cichlids
  • Black Knight Rams 
  • Electric Blue Acara 
  • Red Neon Blue Eye Rainbowfish 
  • Blue Eye Yellow Forktail 

These are some of the new friends we are considering to add to the team.

  •  Blue Neon Rasbora 
  • Dwarf Gobies 
  • Black Knight Rams (coming next week 17 Feb) 
  • Electric Blue Acara (Females) (17 Feb) 
  • Elizabethea Apistos (17 Feb) 

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