What's Breeding Now

What's Breeding Now

This is where we will keep everyone updated on fish who are breeding and what will be available to purchase soon. 

  • Celestial Pearl Danio and Dwarf Emerald Rasbora ----> I have tons growing up 
  • Pearl Gourami ---> Have a handful growing up (just put parents in breeding mode) 
  • Pure Line Guppies ---> About to separate females to have babies 
  • Axolotls (Mother is a Hypomelanistic Melaniod) ----> Breeding Mom and Dad again in March 
  • Bristlenose Plecos --->Babies from all types about half inch 
  • Smokey Mountain Minnows ----> tons of babies 
  • Rainbow Cichlid ---> tons of babies about 3/4 inch 
  • Green Corydoras ---> tons of babies coming 
  • Panduro Apistogramma - about hundred babies growing and some will be available soon 
  • Shrimp (orange, blue based black, blue, yellow gold back) ---> Blue and Yellow babies 
  • German Blue Rams and other Genes ----> Eggs just laid 
  • Black Tiger Badis ----> Ready soon 
  • Parosphromenus (Licorice Gourami) ----> 3 babies hatched and growing great 
  • Julie Transcriptus ---> Handful of babies growing 

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