Blue Eye Yellowfork Tail

Blue Eye Yellowfork Tail

Pseudomugil furcatus, commonly known as the Forktail Blue-eye, is a species of freshwater fish belonging to the family Pseudomugilidae. Here's some information about this colorful and lively species:

1. **Origin:** Native to northern Australia, specifically in the Top End region of the Northern Territory.

2. **Appearance:** The Forktail Blue-eye is known for its striking coloration. Males typically display vibrant blue and yellow colors, especially during the breeding season. They have a distinctive forked tail, which gives them their common name.

3. **Size:** Adults are relatively small, with a typical size of around 1.2 to 1.6 inches (3 to 4 centimeters).

4. **Habitat:** In their natural habitat, they inhabit slow-moving or still waters, including streams, swamps, and ponds with dense vegetation.

5. **Water Conditions:** Forktail Blue-eyes thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water conditions with a pH range of 6.0-7.5. The water temperature should be kept between 72-82°F (22-28°C).

6. **Diet:** They are omnivores and accept a variety of foods, including high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and daphnia.

7. **Behavior:** Forktail Blue-eyes are known for their peaceful nature. They do well in community aquariums and are social fish that benefit from being kept in groups.

8. **Breeding:** Like many rainbowfish species, Pseudomugil furcatus is an egg scatterer. Breeding can be encouraged by providing them with suitable spawning sites, such as plants or spawning mops. Separating the eggs or fry from the adults can increase the survival rate.

These small and colorful fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their vibrant colors and lively behavior. As always, ensure proper care and suitable tank conditions to promote the well-being of Forktail Blue-eyes in the aquarium.

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