Amazon Sword

Amazon Sword


You are purchasing 1-2 pieces depending on size of plant.

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

The Amazon Sword (Echinodorus species) is a popular and widely recognized aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby. Here's some information:

1. **Appearance:** Amazon Sword plants are characterized by long, lance-shaped leaves that can vary in color from deep green to reddish-brown. They typically have a rosette growth pattern with leaves emerging from a central point.

2. **Habitat:** Native to the Amazon River basin in South America, these plants are found in the submerged areas of rivers and streams.

3. **Substrate Plant:** Amazon Swords are planted in the substrate of the aquarium, and they send out roots to anchor themselves. They can grow to various sizes, from smaller varieties suitable for smaller tanks to larger ones suitable for larger aquariums.

4. **Water Conditions:** They prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH levels and soft to moderately hard water. The temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C) is suitable for their growth.

5. **Lighting:** Amazon Swords benefit from moderate to high lighting conditions. Adequate light encourages healthy growth and vibrant leaf colors.

6. **Nutrient Requirements:** These plants are heavy root feeders and benefit from a nutrient-rich substrate. Additionally, liquid fertilizers and root tabs can be used to provide essential nutrients.

7. **Propagation:** Amazon Swords can reproduce through both seeds and vegetative propagation. New plants, called "runners," develop from the base of the mother plant. Once these runners have developed their own roots and leaves, they can be separated to form new plants.

8. **Uses:** Amazon Swords are popular for aquascaping due to their attractive appearance and ability to create a lush background or focal point in the aquarium. They also provide hiding places for fish and contribute to oxygenation.

Providing a well-balanced environment with appropriate lighting and nutrient levels is essential for the healthy growth of Amazon Swords. Regular pruning of old or damaged leaves helps maintain their aesthetic appeal and promotes new growth.

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