Water Lettuce

Water Lettuce


You are purchasing between 10-20 pieces depending on size. 

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any. 

Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) is a popular floating freshwater plant often used in aquariums and ponds. Here's some information:

1. **Appearance:** Water lettuce has rosettes of light green, velvety leaves that float on the water's surface. The leaves have a distinctive ribbed texture.

2. **Habitat:** Native to tropical and subtropical regions, water lettuce can be found in still or slow-flowing waters like ponds, lakes, and marshes.

3. **Floating Plant:** As a floating plant, water lettuce doesn't need to be planted in substrate. It absorbs nutrients directly from the water, helping control algae by competing for nutrients.

4. **Growth:** It reproduces through runners and daughter plants. Under optimal conditions, it can spread quickly, providing shade and shelter for aquatic creatures.

5. **Water Conditions:** Water lettuce prefers warm temperatures between 64-86°F (18-30°C) and slightly acidic to neutral pH levels. It's adaptable to a range of water hardness.

6. **Lighting:** Thrives in moderate to bright lighting conditions. However, too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to yellow, so some shading is beneficial.

7. **Care:** Regularly remove excess plants to prevent overcrowding. While it doesn't require a nutrient-rich substrate, adding liquid fertilizers can enhance its growth.

8. **Benefits:** Water lettuce is beneficial in aquariums and ponds as it provides shelter for fry and small fish. Its floating nature shades the water, reducing light penetration and helping control algae growth.

Note: Water lettuce can be invasive in certain ecosystems, so be cautious about its introduction into natural water bodies. Check local regulations regarding its use in outdoor settings.

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