Guppy Grass

Guppy Grass


You are purchasing roughly the amount in Picture 3

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

Guppy grass, scientifically known as Najas guadalupensis, is a popular aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby. Here's some information:

1. **Appearance:** Guppy grass has long, branching stems with delicate, fine leaves that create a dense, bushy appearance. The leaves are typically green but can sometimes take on a reddish hue.

2. **Habitat:** Native to North America, Guppy grass is found in various aquatic environments, including ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams.

3. **Submerged Plant:** It is a submerged plant, meaning it grows entirely beneath the water's surface. Guppy grass can be anchored in the substrate or left to float freely.

4. **Water Conditions:** Guppy grass is known for its adaptability to a wide range of water conditions. It can thrive in temperatures between 59-82°F (15-28°C) and varying pH levels.

5. **Lighting:** Guppy grass is undemanding when it comes to lighting. It can do well in low to high light conditions, making it suitable for different aquarium setups.

6. **Propagation:** Guppy grass is an efficient grower and reproduces through cuttings. Simply trim a healthy stem, and the cut portion can be replanted to establish a new plant. Regular pruning helps manage its growth.

7. **Nutrient Uptake:** Like many aquatic plants, Guppy grass absorbs nutrients from the water, contributing to nutrient control and aiding in the prevention of excessive algae growth.

8. **Uses:** Guppy grass is favored by aquarium enthusiasts for its ease of care and ability to create a lush, natural look in the tank. It provides shelter for fry and small fish and can be used to improve water quality.

Due to its hardiness and ability to thrive in various conditions, Guppy grass is often recommended for both novice and experienced aquarium keepers. It's a versatile and beneficial addition to freshwater tanks.

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