


You are purchasing roughly the amount in Picture 3.

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

Anacharis, also known as Elodea or Brazilian Waterweed, is a popular submerged aquatic plant used in aquariums and ponds. Here's some information:

1. **Appearance:** Anacharis has long, branching stems covered with bright green, whorled leaves. The leaves are arranged in groups of 4-6 around the stem.

2. **Habitat:** Native to North and South America, Anacharis is found in various aquatic environments, including lakes, ponds, and slow-flowing rivers.

3. **Submerged Plant:** Anacharis is a submerged or partially submerged plant, rooting in the substrate but growing upward toward the water's surface. It can also float freely.

4. **Water Conditions:** It is a hardy and adaptable plant that can thrive in a wide range of water conditions. Anacharis prefers temperatures between 59-82°F (15-28°C) and can tolerate different pH levels.

5. **Lighting:** Moderate to high lighting is suitable for Anacharis. It can adapt to lower light conditions but may grow more slowly.

6. **Propagation:** Anacharis reproduces through cuttings. Simply trim a healthy stem, and the cut portion can be replanted to grow a new plant. It's an efficient grower, making it easy to propagate.

7. **Nutrient Uptake:** Anacharis absorbs nutrients from the water, aiding in nutrient control and helping to prevent algae growth. It's often used in aquariums to improve water quality.

8. **Uses:** Anacharis provides oxygen to the water and serves as a hiding place for small fish and invertebrates. It also offers a spawning site for certain species. In aquariums, it can create a lush, natural look.

Anacharis is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists due to its low maintenance and versatile nature. It's beneficial for enhancing water quality and creating a visually appealing aquatic environment.

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