Red Root Floaters

Red Root Floaters


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Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

Red Root Floaters (Phyllanthus fluitans) are popular aquatic plants known for their vibrant red roots and floating nature. Here's some information:

1. **Appearance:** Red Root Floaters have round to oval-shaped leaves that can vary in color from green to red, and sometimes even pink. The distinguishing feature is the bright red roots that dangle below the water's surface.

2. **Floating Plant:** As the name suggests, they are floating plants, which means they don't need to be planted in substrate. They absorb nutrients through their leaves and roots directly from the water.

3. **Habitat:** Native to South America, they are found in slow-moving or still waters like ponds, lakes, and marshes. They are often used in aquariums and planted tanks.

4. **Water Conditions:** Red Root Floaters thrive in warm water with temperatures between 70-82°F (21-28°C). They prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH levels and soft to moderately hard water.

5. **Lighting:** Moderate to high lighting is beneficial for these plants. They can tolerate a range of light conditions, but intense lighting often brings out their vibrant colors.

6. **Nutrient Requirements:** While they absorb nutrients from the water, providing a balanced liquid fertilizer can enhance their growth. They benefit from a nutrient-rich environment.

7. **Propagation:** Red Root Floaters reproduce by sending out runners, producing new plants. They can cover the water surface quickly under optimal conditions.

8. **Care:** Regularly remove excess plants to prevent overcrowding and ensure sufficient light penetration. Gently clean the leaves to maintain their vibrant appearance.

Red Root Floaters are not only visually appealing but also contribute to a well-balanced aquarium ecosystem by providing shade, shelter, and helping control nutrient levels.

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