


You are purchasing roughly the amount in picture 3.

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), it's a submerged aquatic plant commonly used in aquariums and ponds. Here's some information:

1. **Appearance:** Hornwort has a unique appearance with densely packed, whorled branches that resemble a horn. It lacks true roots but has fine structures that anchor it in the substrate or can float freely.

2. **Habitat:** Found in a variety of aquatic environments globally, Hornwort is known for its adaptability and can thrive in both still and flowing waters.

3. **Submerged Plant:** Hornwort is a submerged plant, meaning it grows entirely beneath the water's surface. It provides excellent cover for aquatic organisms and helps oxygenate the water.

4. **Water Conditions:** Hardy and undemanding, Hornwort can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. It prefers temperatures between 59-86°F (15-30°C) and is adaptable to various pH levels.

5. **Lighting:** Hornwort can thrive in low to high light conditions. It does not have specific lighting requirements, making it suitable for a variety of setups.

6. **Propagation:** Hornwort is an efficient grower and can reproduce through fragmentation. Broken fragments can develop into new plants. It's advisable to trim it regularly to prevent overgrowth.

7. **Nutrient Uptake:** Hornwort is known to absorb nutrients from the water, helping control algae growth. It can be beneficial in aquariums by removing excess nutrients.

8. **Uses:** Besides its aesthetic appeal, Hornwort serves as a hiding place for small fish and invertebrates. It also provides a spawning site for certain species.

Hornwort is a popular choice among aquarium hobbyists due to its low maintenance and versatile nature. However, in some regions, it can be invasive in natural water bodies, so it's essential to manage its growth responsibly.

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