Water Sprite

Water Sprite


You are purchasing roughly the amount picture 3.

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides) is a popular and versatile freshwater aquarium plant loved by many hobbyists. You will be purchasing several offspring plants. 

Here's some information about this aquatic plant:

1. Appearance: Water Sprite is a fast-growing plant with delicate, feathery, and light-green leaves that can vary in shape. It has a bushy appearance and can add a lush and vibrant look to aquariums.

2. Growth: This plant is considered a floating plant, but it can also be anchored in the substrate or attached to decorations like driftwood or rocks. When allowed to float, it can develop long trailing roots, which provide hiding places for fry and small fish.

3. Water Conditions: Water Sprite is relatively undemanding when it comes to water parameters. It can thrive in a wide range of conditions, including a pH of 6.0 to 7.5 and a temperature of 68 to 82°F (20 to 28°C). However, it prefers soft to moderately hard water.

4. Lighting: Water Sprite is a low to moderate light plant. While it can do well under various lighting conditions, providing moderate light will encourage denser growth and more vibrant colors.

5. Nutrient Requirements: Although not excessively demanding, Water Sprite benefits from a nutrient-rich environment. It appreciates the addition of liquid fertilizers or root tabs if planted in the substrate.

6. Propagation: Water Sprite is an excellent propagator. It can reproduce through adventitious plantlets that develop along the plant's leaves or by producing spores. The plantlets can be separated and replanted to expand the growth in the aquarium.

7. Benefits: Water Sprite is not only visually appealing but also beneficial for the aquarium ecosystem. It serves as a natural water purifier by absorbing excess nutrients like nitrates, helping to control algae growth.

8. Compatibility: Water Sprite is generally compatible with most fish species, and its dense growth provides hiding places for shy or young fish. However, some herbivorous fish may nibble on the plant, so it's essential to monitor compatibility.

Due to its easy care and adaptability, Water Sprite is a popular choice for both beginner and experienced aquarium keepers. It can thrive in a variety of setups, ranging from community tanks to breeding or fry rearing tanks. Its fast growth can also help with water quality management in the aquarium. 

Overall, Water Sprite is a beautiful and valuable addition to any freshwater aquarium.

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