Java Fern

Java Fern


You are purchasing 2- 3 small/medium sized plants.

Warning: might contain snail or duckweed I do my best to remove any.

Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) is a popular and hardy aquatic plant widely used in freshwater aquariums. You will be purchasing 2-3 medium sized plants.

Here's some information about this beautiful and versatile plant:

1. Appearance: Java Fern has unique and attractive green, leathery leaves with a pronounced veined pattern. The leaves are broad and lance-shaped, creating a distinctive appearance that stands out in the aquarium.

2. Growth: Java Fern is a slow-growing plant compared to some other aquarium plants. It can be attached to various surfaces, such as rocks, driftwood, or even the substrate, using its rhizome, from which the leaves emerge. The plant should not be buried entirely in the substrate, as it can rot.

3. Water Conditions: Java Fern is adaptable to a wide range of water parameters, making it suitable for various aquarium setups. It can thrive in a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 and a temperature between 68 to 82°F (20 to 28°C). It prefers low to moderate lighting conditions.

4. Lighting: Java Fern does well in low to moderate light levels. Intense lighting can lead to algae growth on its leaves, so it's best to provide subdued lighting or place it in a shaded area of the tank.

5. Nutrient Requirements: Java Fern is not a nutrient-demanding plant. It can obtain most of its nutrients from the water and doesn't necessarily need additional fertilization. However, providing a nutrient-rich substrate or liquid fertilizers can promote healthier growth.

6. Compatibility: Java Fern is a peaceful plant that can coexist with various fish and other aquatic species. Some herbivorous fish, like certain cichlids and goldfish, may nibble on the leaves, but it's generally not a preferred food source for most fish.

7. Propagation: Java Fern reproduces by producing daughter plants on its rhizome. These daughter plants can be left attached to the parent plant or separated and attached to other surfaces to form new plants.

8. Benefits: Java Fern serves several purposes in the aquarium. It provides shelter and hiding spots for fish and other aquarium inhabitants. The plant's broad leaves can also help diffuse light and create shaded areas, which can be beneficial for some species.

Due to its low maintenance and attractive appearance, Java Fern is a favored choice for beginner and experienced aquarists alike. It can add a natural and lush touch to the aquarium, enhancing the overall aesthetics and providing a more comfortable environment for aquatic life.

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